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کد مطلب : 3227  |   تعداد نظرات: 0   |   تعداد بازدیدها: 4352   |   تاریخ درج: چهارشنبه, تير 04, 1399   |  


Iran's Trade With Armenia Tops $100m in January-April

Iran’s commercial exchanges with Armenia stood at $101.06 million during January-April to register a 0.37% decline compared to the corresponding period of 2019.
Latest data released by the Statistical Committee of the Republic of Armenia shows Iran exported $73.18 million worth of goods to Armenia during the four months to April 30, indicating a 12.43% year-on-year decrease.
Imports from Armenia stood at $27.88 million in the four months, up by 56.02% YOY.

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Iran's Trade With Armenia Tops $100m in January-April
چهارشنبه, تير 04, 1399 by مدیر پشتیبانی پورتال

Iran’s commercial exchanges with Armenia stood at $101.06 million during January-April to register a 0.37% decline compared to the corresponding period of 2019.
Latest data released by the Statistical Committee of the Republic of Armenia shows Iran exported $73.18 million worth of goods to Armenia during the four months to April 30, indicating a 12.43% year-on-year decrease.
Imports from Armenia stood at $27.88 million in the four months, up by 56.02% YOY.