

As noted elsewhere, TILO's members are not just practice-oriented attorneys. Rather, they have made an extensive contribution to the development of legal scholarship. They have published both nationally and internationally in top ranked journals including but not limited to Florida Journal of International Law, Nordic Journal of Commercial Law, Tehran Univ. Law Journal, etc. in the following pages you may have an access to examples of TILO's member's scholarship.

Deterrence as Consideration of Ethical Principles of Punitive Damage

Mohammad Dehghani, Ebrahim Shoarian Sattari, Ebrahim Taghizadeh, Jalal Soltan Ahmadi
Bioethics Journal Quarterly, 2019, Pages 355-366.


Background and Aim
This paper refers to deterrence as one of the bases of ethical principles of punitive damage. This is why the question is raised, "how does punitive damage contribute to codification of ethical principles in society by adoption of deterrence approach?" Therefore, this paper aims to highlight the deterrent aspects of punitive damage ethically.
Materials and Methods
The present survey adopts descriptive-analytical approach so as to attend the deterrent aspects of punitive damage in ethical fields. To do so, data collection is done through library review of main texts, books, papers and surveys on the matter.
Although punitive damage has not been yet acknowledged in Iranian legal laws, there are similar notions like late payment damage, penalty clause, and compensation which act like the notion and contribute to social and individual ethics. In ethical field, punitive damage is based on a deterrent approach which prevents from social violations and offenses and provides people with a model of ethical life in which other members of the society are also inhibited from committing crimes.
Punitive damage with its effective deterrent aspects can develop a new approach to individual and social ethics so as to compensate for socio-economic rights effectively and to prevent undesirable events from happening in future.

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