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همانطور که در بخش های دیگر ذکر شد، اعضای تیلو تنها وکلای فعال در امر وکالت نبوده و دارای سابقه فعالیت های گسترده در زمینه ترویج مطالعات حقوقی نیز می باشند. اعضای موسسه کتب و مقالات متعددی در سطوح ملی و بین المللی در مجلات معتبری همچون مجله حقوق بین الملل فلوریدا، مجله حقوق تجارت نوردیک، مجله حقوقی دانشگاه تهران و ... به چاپ رسانده اند که نمونه هایی از این پژوهش ها در بخش های آتی در دسترس می باشد.

Ebrahim Shoarian , Roya Shirin Beig Pour
International Journal of Research In Social Sciences, Oct 2013. Vol. 3, No.2


When breach of a contract takes place it is necessary to distinguish between different kinds of breach considering that their legal effects are not the same. Non-performance can take various forms such as fundamental and non-fundamental breach or anticipatory and actual breach. However, from the standpoint of will, the non-performance or breach can be divided into intentional and unintentional one. When the breach of the contract is willful, the Law cannot be apathetic to obligor who has behaved in bad-faith. To this end, some legal systems have been upgraded and changed the remedies in favor of obligee. Also, in some International Instruments like UPICC, PECL, and DCFR intentional breach has been encountered with special remedies. In this article we will examine the particular effects of intentional breach with emphasis on above mentioned documents. 

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The Effects of Intentional Breach of Contract with Emphasis On International Instruments
يکشنبه, مهر 28, 1392 by مدیر پشتیبانی پورتال

When breach of a contract takes place it is necessary to distinguish between different kinds of breach considering that their legal effects are not the same. Non-performance can take various forms such as fundamental and non-fundamental breach or anticipatory and actual breach. However, from the standpoint of will, the non-performance or breach can be divided into intentional and unintentional one. When the breach of the contract is willful, the Law cannot be apathetic to obligor who has behaved in bad-faith. To this end, some legal systems have been upgraded and changed the remedies in favor of obligee. Also, in some International Instruments like UPICC, PECL, and DCFR intentional breach has been encountered with special remedies. In this article we will examine the particular effects of intentional breach with emphasis on above mentioned documents.